History & Rules

When I was a kid, I grew up in an extremely white town. This was the kind of town where the only type of media you consumed was Football, Fox News and whatever action movie was in theaters. So up until I entered junior high, The amount of interaction that I had with anime or really any form of Japanese media was very slim. It was then when I was introduced a friend who grew up on anime and introduced me to the world of anime and from then on, I was hooked.

A few years went by and in 2011, him and I wanted to try out this thing that we saw some random person on YouTube trying called "Ani-May". The premise was simple and became a tradition for us. Every year since we pick out our list and increase our scope of the art.

Throughout this process, I learned a lot about anime, myself, and the way that I consume media of all kinds. I learned to always try and look for new things and not to get stuck in the loop of only sticking to your familiar favorites. I learned that when I was only watching the best of the best, I had no idea what was a good show and what was a pile of trash. And lastly but possibly most importantly, I learned how to slow down and actually enjoy each piece that i watched, whether the show was awful or amazing, I would challenge myself to find the good in it and look for the positives.

The Rules

1) You must watch the first episode of a show every day for the month of May

2)The shows must be ones that you have never seen before

3) Attempt to enjoy yourself and relax